Jerry Bratton 3C Award Winner 2023

Published: October 2, 2023

Jerry Bratton 3C Award Winner Announced

Jerry Bratton started B&W Plumbing and Heating in 1961. He was instrumental in forming Mechanical Skills Plumbing School and served as President of the PHCC multiple times. He ran the business with Mary and his daughter Beth, until his retirement in 2003. There are not enough words to capture the positive influence he had on everyone who was lucky enough to know him. He had a heart for all people and they in turn, were drawn to his welcoming spirit. Life was a precious adventure and Jerry made every single moment of his 87 years count. He perfectly lived the motto, “If I can think it, I can do it.” He dreamed fearlessly and worked hard to turn those dreams into reality.

This award was the idea of his daughter, Beth Rovazzini, who runs the company now with 2 partners. Beth was moved by the number of people who paid their respect when Jerry passed. He epitomized the three C’s: Collaboration, Cooperation and Contribution and she wanted to honor him by giving this award and donating in the name of the winner to the PHCC Educational Foundation.

This year we believe the person who best epitomizes the 3 cs is someone who has spent his life working to shine the industry in a positive light. He utilizes social media to highlight the good that comes from a career in the industry. He has gone from being a licensed plumber in a family business to owning his own business to selling it and working for a large company to retirement. That retirement lasted about a month before he took on a new role for a wholesaler where he continues to contribute and also teach first year apprentices. In his new role he spotlights the industry with a podcast.  This year's winner is Dave Heffner, Winsupply of Indianapolis.

Pictured with Dave is last year's winner, Dave Frame, and Jerry's grandson, Jeffrey Rovazzini.